
Datamosh 2

'Our research involves constructed disturbances existing between the digital/analogue. Physical objects and sound are processed through free-to-use 3D scanning applications, pre-digital synthesizers and low-quality video recording equipment. The hybrid imagery is presented within an augmented reality environment, elevating the splicing and degradation of the audio and scanned objects.'

D_A_T_A_M_O_S_H researchers' independent artistic practices drive the collaborative inquiry, which acts as a feedback loop celebrating unpredictable, fluid configurations. The research methods and resulting artwork are in the spirit of collage, a process that constructs new forms and textures from the assemblages of preexisting material.

The D_A_T_A_M_O_S_H collaboration came about with the discovery of a large archive of 35mm slides, audio cassettes and A4 booklets earmarked for destruction at the Art School. This material was no longer wanted because of a perception it was rendered obsolete by the digital hardware and wifi access ubiquitous in the 21st Century. Mayman and Jones are fascinated by the hallucinogenic potential of everyday experiences. Their ongoing project D_A_T_A_M_O_S_H is a site of excavation and construction, awakening the analogue spectre of the recent past. It re-animates obsolete technology and information, developing a montage of psychedelic improvisation and performance.