Like Dadima Like Smriti

Smriti Mehra - 2018

Length 16:20


With this project, Smriti embarks upon remembrance, which is also the meaning of her name. She ventures into this territory in an endeavour to not leave unnoticed the deep imprints of those closest to her. She acknowledges that her memories are fraught with biases, gaps and fictions blurring fact but what she attempts to stay true to is the emotion paired with the fragments of memory to form a newer understanding of her relationships. She is both a purveyor of information and storyteller, taking the mundane & every day and unravelling & reassembling these details into visible intricacies.
While sorting through her grandmother's things after her death, Smriti came across a trunk full of her grandfather's clothes that had been put away after his sudden and early demise. This video project is about loss, letting go and preserving memory.

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